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The 4 Operations of Alerting on F5 BIG-IP


This tutorial is about F5 BIG-IP alerting, particularly on how to configure any F5 to generate more or less alerts of different types, or even of the same type as it can sometimes be necessary. We will call it the 4 Operations of Alerting as the 4 basic arithmetic operations are a good guideline to follow and will help us to remember how things work, and how to configure our F5. The 4 operations being noted + - * / , we will give to each their meaning in the context of alerting.

Simulation EURL ("EURL Quick Watch")

Le fichier de simulation pour EURL ( EURL_Quick_Watch_v1.11.xls écrit par O. Deheurles ) ayant visiblement disparu d'Internet, je le poste ici sur mon blog où il restera autant que nécessaire et sera maintenu dans la mesure du possible. Bien entendu il ne vous dispense pas du conseil d'un Expert-Comptable, notamment les approximations concernant le calcul de l'IR (plafonnement du quotient familial) et le calcul de performance (ratio/CA) qui en découle ne sont pas fiables dans la version actuelle.

Mises à jour (chronologie inversée) :

Integrating R with a web application

Raising R from standalone to Web application, finally one tutorial for doing it.

Installing R on a headless server

Installing and running R on a Linux server, gives us the power to generate nice charts and documents but it is not the easiest software to install. Especially, when installing on a headless server, there are some requirements to meet and we need to understand how rendering is done.
For this tutorial, I am running a Centos 7 Minimal.

Questions Internet à l'Assemblée Nationale

Fonctionnement des questions à l'Assemblée Nationale
Il existe 3 types de questions qui peuvent être posées à l'Assemblée Nationale. Il n'est pas utile de répéter ce qui est dit sur le site de l'Assemblée car tout y est bien clair, mais rappelons quand même la nomenclature suivante :
QE : question écrite
QG : question au gouvernement
QOSD : question orale sans débat

Solving the proxy timeouts problem

When requesting a web URL through a proxy, you might encounter a timeout and never see the result of your request. This usually happens when the resource you are requesting needs much time to answer, such as a cgi-bin script or a web service loading a huge set of data from a database. The problem is even more complicated when for any reason, you should not run this same web service twice (known as the resubmission problem).

Contrôle Prudentiel et Systèmes d'Information

Dans le milieu IT bancaire, on entend souvent parler d'obligations légales pour l'organisation de PCA/PRA et autres, sans trop savoir s'il s'agit réellement d'obligations et de comment elles ont été imposées. Alors que la redondance d'équipements et l'attribution de logins individuels semblent découler du simple bon sens, il m'a semblé utile d'approfondir la base légale de leur mise en pratique pour constater le périmètre et la profondeur de ces éventuelles obligations.

Neutralizing Slowloris attacks with NIO

Most of the time, web attacks rely on perverted use of protocols or pernicious effects of a technical possibility. For example, web servers are implemented to accept both fast and slow clients and treat them equally, but nobody would expect to have at the same time a huge amount of extremely slow clients. If this happened, this would lead the "old-style" server (1 thread for 1 connection) to get frozen.

Building the cheapest application firewall

Today we'll learn how to build the cheapest and smallest - but efficient - layer 7 firewall. Then you don't need anymore to buy very expensive appliances for URL filtering (F5 BigIP, Netscaler,..) and you don't have to spend hours to make Apache mod_security work. This security can be added to the Tomcat Security Manager if you are running a reverse-proxy, and provides in-depth security as advised by many including official government services such as ANSSI (Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information).

Protecting your Tomcat with the Security Manager

Tomcat comes with a Security Manager which provides some protection against hacking. Of course, it's not a full layer-7 firewall but at least it provides file access and network checking, for free. With this, we can somehow protect our website against defacement, intrusion, and service denial. Now, let's see how to configure it easily.


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